PPM Market Zone Rules
About PPM Market Zone
PPM Market Zone is the name of a new feature at Project Perfect Mod forums that will allow users to buy and sell digital content such as graphics, maps, tools, sounds, etc.
How to sell a product
First of all, you'll need to enable your account to sell products. To do that, go to the Profile and setup your Paypal account there. Note that this information will not be revealed to public.
Once your account is setup, you'll need to create a post with the attachment you wanna sell it and use the following BBCODE:
Where XXXXXX is the attachment ID, which must be a number and YY.YY is the cost in US dollars.
Note that there will be an additional fee for the client of $0.30 US dollars to pay the server expenses.
Those who have moderation powers in the forum that you post your content will not need to pay to download your product, so it can be moderated.
How to buy a product
Click in the buy button and follow the instructions in the paypal site. You won't be able to download the product until you pay the price requested by the author and the $0.30 fee to Project Perfect Mod.
Important: There will be no refunds whatsoever.
Products that can be sold
- 3d models, textures
- Voxels
- 2D graphics, cameos, icons, etc
- Musics, sounds, voices, etc
- Maps for Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun.
- Code samples for tutorials from any game, as long as it doesn't include Westwood/EALA code. If the game is Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun, you may include Westwood code if necessary.
- Software or any tool.
- Modifications for Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 1.
Your content must not violate copyrights, it must not damage the computer of its potential clients and you must have the authorization of the author to sell it.
Products that cannot be sold
- Modifications for Red Alert 2 and any newer game due to EULA violation.
- Maps for Red Alert 2 and any newer game due to EULA violation.
- Files bigger than 8mb, due to server limits.
Remember, the product must be attached to the post, otherwise the sell bbcode will not work.
Moderation: Crapping, deletion and ban
If the rules above are violated, topics with your products will be crapped or deleted without warning.
Violation of copyrights, attempts to deceive clients and any other action that may ruin the reputation of PPM Market Zone will force us to ban your account and delete of all your comercial resources with no warning whatsoever nor a second chance of any kind.
PPM shall not be responsible for whatever content comercialized here. By posting a resource here, the author automatically agrees to be held responsible for it and legally respond to it.
If a suspicious material is posted for sale, please, report it to the moderators or admins of the forum.
The rules of this service may change at any time without any warning. The changes will be posted at this topic and if you disagree with them, you may stop your items from being sold by simply removing the sell bbcode from your post. If you keep your items for sale, you automatically agree with any change.
About PPM Market Zone
PPM Market Zone is the name of a new feature at Project Perfect Mod forums that will allow users to buy and sell digital content such as graphics, maps, tools, sounds, etc.
How to sell a product
First of all, you'll need to enable your account to sell products. To do that, go to the Profile and setup your Paypal account there. Note that this information will not be revealed to public.
Once your account is setup, you'll need to create a post with the attachment you wanna sell it and use the following BBCODE:
Where XXXXXX is the attachment ID, which must be a number and YY.YY is the cost in US dollars.
Note that there will be an additional fee for the client of $0.30 US dollars to pay the server expenses.
Those who have moderation powers in the forum that you post your content will not need to pay to download your product, so it can be moderated.
How to buy a product
Click in the buy button and follow the instructions in the paypal site. You won't be able to download the product until you pay the price requested by the author and the $0.30 fee to Project Perfect Mod.
Important: There will be no refunds whatsoever.
Products that can be sold
- 3d models, textures
- Voxels
- 2D graphics, cameos, icons, etc
- Musics, sounds, voices, etc
- Maps for Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun.
- Code samples for tutorials from any game, as long as it doesn't include Westwood/EALA code. If the game is Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun, you may include Westwood code if necessary.
- Software or any tool.
- Modifications for Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 1.
Your content must not violate copyrights, it must not damage the computer of its potential clients and you must have the authorization of the author to sell it.
Products that cannot be sold
- Modifications for Red Alert 2 and any newer game due to EULA violation.
- Maps for Red Alert 2 and any newer game due to EULA violation.
- Files bigger than 8mb, due to server limits.
Remember, the product must be attached to the post, otherwise the sell bbcode will not work.
Moderation: Crapping, deletion and ban
If the rules above are violated, topics with your products will be crapped or deleted without warning.
Violation of copyrights, attempts to deceive clients and any other action that may ruin the reputation of PPM Market Zone will force us to ban your account and delete of all your comercial resources with no warning whatsoever nor a second chance of any kind.
PPM shall not be responsible for whatever content comercialized here. By posting a resource here, the author automatically agrees to be held responsible for it and legally respond to it.
If a suspicious material is posted for sale, please, report it to the moderators or admins of the forum.
The rules of this service may change at any time without any warning. The changes will be posted at this topic and if you disagree with them, you may stop your items from being sold by simply removing the sell bbcode from your post. If you keep your items for sale, you automatically agree with any change.