Hello! I am posting this piece of info for those who doesnt understand all the terms of the Open Map Competition 2 being organized by Project Perfect Mod, TiberiumSun.com, SavageWar and Tiberian Station. Before having any doubt, please check the rules at TumSun for details. Then, check this place... if you still have no answer on your doubt, feel free to post an answer in a reply or comment.
Question: Can I submit a map made for Firestorm or for a mod like Tiberian Sun Retro?
Answer: We only accept maps made for Tiberian Sun or Firestorm without any sort of mod. Maps made for any mod or maps that includes any mod files or modding changes will NOT be accepted. There is a small exception if it really ballances the map, like making weed eater's build limit be 1. Judges will only use Firestorm to judge your map. Umballanced maps providing lots of cash or any sort cheat will be ignored.
Question: Do I really need to make my map from scratch?
Answer: Random map generator maps (even if you modify them) or maps available in other websites made by something else, even if modified and credited will be disqualified.
Question: I've finished my map. Can I submit it now?
Answer: Yes, you can, but we do not recommend it. Submit it by the beggining of december, so you will have time to improve it, add triggering effects and making them look better and more ballanced. Also, maps will only be judged in december. So, no need to hurry.
Question: If I know that The DvD, Froggy, dEw_Man and Hellfire will judge my map, can I send it directly to them instead of sending to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url]?
Answer: No. Maps will only be judged if they are submited to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url]. This happens, so maps are sent anonymously to the judges and we have full control of which maps were sent and who sent them.
Question: There is a judge that also complains of my maps. How can I be sure that the judgement won't be biased against me?
Answer: By sending maps to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url], the maps will be identified by number, so the judges won't know the person who made the map they are judging.
Question: When will the results of the open map competition #2 become available?
Answer: In decemberl or january, depending on the ammount of submissions we receive.
Question: If I already have a custom rank in PPM forums, what kind of prize will I receive?
Answer: In this case, we provide you a voxel specially made for your mod (just dont ask us to make something hard like a mech, because we can't do that
Question: Will The DvD, Froggy, dEw_Man, Hellfire and Banshee submit maps for the competition?
Answer: No, because we are organising it.
Question: I heard that the Open Map Competition already happened. Is there any way to see the best maps and how they were judged?
Answer: Yes, you can download the Open Map Competiton Map Pack HERE that contains all submited maps and their ratings, including judge comments.
Question: What's the main difference between the first Open Map Competition to this one?
Answer: The main difference is that we have 4 judges instead of only 2. There are other minor changes, but most of the things works in the same way as before.
And finally, good luck and success!
Banshee (PPM), The DvD (TumSun), Froggy (TumSun), Hellfire (SavageWar/TS:SavageWar), dEw_MaN (SG Source/Tiberian Station)

Question: Can I submit a map made for Firestorm or for a mod like Tiberian Sun Retro?
Answer: We only accept maps made for Tiberian Sun or Firestorm without any sort of mod. Maps made for any mod or maps that includes any mod files or modding changes will NOT be accepted. There is a small exception if it really ballances the map, like making weed eater's build limit be 1. Judges will only use Firestorm to judge your map. Umballanced maps providing lots of cash or any sort cheat will be ignored.
Question: Do I really need to make my map from scratch?
Answer: Random map generator maps (even if you modify them) or maps available in other websites made by something else, even if modified and credited will be disqualified.
Question: I've finished my map. Can I submit it now?
Answer: Yes, you can, but we do not recommend it. Submit it by the beggining of december, so you will have time to improve it, add triggering effects and making them look better and more ballanced. Also, maps will only be judged in december. So, no need to hurry.
Question: If I know that The DvD, Froggy, dEw_Man and Hellfire will judge my map, can I send it directly to them instead of sending to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url]?
Answer: No. Maps will only be judged if they are submited to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url]. This happens, so maps are sent anonymously to the judges and we have full control of which maps were sent and who sent them.
Question: There is a judge that also complains of my maps. How can I be sure that the judgement won't be biased against me?
Answer: By sending maps to [url=mailto:tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com">tsmapcompetition@ppmsite.com[/url], the maps will be identified by number, so the judges won't know the person who made the map they are judging.
Question: When will the results of the open map competition #2 become available?
Answer: In decemberl or january, depending on the ammount of submissions we receive.
Question: If I already have a custom rank in PPM forums, what kind of prize will I receive?
Answer: In this case, we provide you a voxel specially made for your mod (just dont ask us to make something hard like a mech, because we can't do that

Question: Will The DvD, Froggy, dEw_Man, Hellfire and Banshee submit maps for the competition?
Answer: No, because we are organising it.
Question: I heard that the Open Map Competition already happened. Is there any way to see the best maps and how they were judged?
Answer: Yes, you can download the Open Map Competiton Map Pack HERE that contains all submited maps and their ratings, including judge comments.
Question: What's the main difference between the first Open Map Competition to this one?
Answer: The main difference is that we have 4 judges instead of only 2. There are other minor changes, but most of the things works in the same way as before.
And finally, good luck and success!
Banshee (PPM), The DvD (TumSun), Froggy (TumSun), Hellfire (SavageWar/TS:SavageWar), dEw_MaN (SG Source/Tiberian Station)